Ready Vet Go
Blurb about Ready Vet Go. RVG TO WRITE

Open Paddock x Ready Vet Go
Blurb on why we are proud to partner with RVG. OP TO WRITE - RVG TO APPROVE

Australian Made
We’re a homegrown business, and we’re proud to say when our ingredients are too. Founded in the majestic Murray Region, we make sure to source local ingredients for our products wherever we can.

We’re all pet owners and animal lovers around here, just like you. So we want to support farmers who are doing the right thing by providing a happy, healthy environment for their animals.
That means RSPCA Approved chicken, pasture raised beef and ethically sourced wild meats.
It’s pet food produced as thoughtfully as the food in your own fridge.

Fresh meat is best for our pets. Our goal is to make it better for the environment. That starts with knowing exactly how our meat is raised and letting nothing go to waste.
It’s also why we’re championing sustainable wild meats, like ethically harvested kangaroo. And destructive invasive species, like wild boar.
To reduce our own footprint, we’ve built a custom air-drying facility here in Howlong, NSW, that harnesses the power of the sun. The nutrient-rich wastewater from our plant is recycled to irrigate our paddocks. They’ve never looked so good.